Simon Zavarian
Simon Zavarian (Andon)
Born in "Aykehad" village of Lori. Attends the Village Administration college of Moscow. After the founding meetings of A.R.F. in Tbilisi, leaves for Drabizon as a principle, gets arrested and deported to "Pesarabia".
As a cofounder of the party, participates in the developement of the framework of the plans and rules of the Dashnag Party with Christopher and Rosdom, stays as a member of the Central Bureau of ARF till his death.
During his constant travels as official village administrator, he does research for the party.
As an activist he travels in the regions of Cilicia. Performs organizational work in Drabizon, Romania, Geneva, Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt.
Travels to Moosh, Sassoun and than Istanbul as a teacher.During the Osmanian Constitutional period, he participates in development of Armenian improvement plans. Benefiting from the archives of the Archdiocese, also from the travelers to Europe and scientific researches, he develops a census of number of Western Armenians.
He dies unexpectedly in Istanbul at the age of 47.