One who gives: Krisdos dzunav yev haydnetsav Christ was born and made manifest
One who receives: Orhnyal e haydnootyoonn Krisdosi Blessed is the manifestation of Christ
What is the purpose, they don't care.
- Hovagim Demirdjian
Learn more
What do you know about the Antifreeze in your car?
The word Antifreeze in today's cars is so misleading. It is used as a rust inhibitor and lubricant more than as a temperature control agent.
It is a dangerous chemical, it can kill your pets and if you get burnt by hot antifreeze it can lead to chemical poisoning.
Who are Armenians?
A brief presentation of who we are.
If the last name ends in "ian", then it must be Armenian. What is the meaning of "ian".
The Armenian Cuisine. Chi Kofta anyone?
Soghomon Tehlirian
An Armenian student who became symbol of Armenian revenge. His whole family was butchered in the Genocide. The only survivor, he traced and assassinated, in 1921, Talaat-Pasha, author of the Genocide.
The sad story of what happened to the first Armenian Church in United States.
It is shameful.
We are Armenians
The independence generation
Unruly Armenians
Armenians have put out the fire in Hell and are trying to install air conditioning system instead.
Melkonian Educational Institute - Cyprus
Just pictures of life as it was back in 1976-77 years in the school in Cyprus. Got some new ones, thanks to Hermine Sayan, thought I share it with you.
The Massacre Of Adana - April 1909
song - mp3 - pictures - translation - lyrics
News links around the world - you make up your mind who is telling the truth and who is feeding you garbage.
The presidents of United States Of America and the their unfulfilled promises to the Armenian people.
The Armenian Cross
Lake Sevan
One of the most spectacular regions in Armenia, its stunning landscape shaped by millions of years of volcanic eruptions and the once steaming waters of the lake.
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