Romantic Ideas To Show Her You Love Her

1: If your partner is going away for a few days, tell her that you are worried about her so you have organized a bodyguard to look after her. Then give her a small teddy bear.

2: Buy a packet of glow in the dark stars and stick the stars on the roof above your bed to spell out a message such as "I Love You" When the lights go down, your message will be revealed!

3: On a special occasion, buy your partner eleven real red roses and one artificial red rose. Place the artificial rose in the center of the bouquet.

Attach a card that says: "I will love you until the last rose fades."

4: Buy the domain name of your partner's name if it is available. Create a web page containing a romantic poem and a picture of a rose. When your partner is surfing the web, casually ask whether she has ever checked to see whether her domain name is taken. Let her type it in to discover her page.

5: Buy a stylish hand mirror and give it to your partner as a gift. Include a card in the box saying:

"In this mirror you will see the image of the most beautiful woman in the world."

6: Take a book that your partner is reading and using a pencil, underline letters in a section of the book she has yet to read to spell out a love letter.

7: Have flowers delivered to your partner's workplace. She will not only enjoy the flowers but will also receive comments and attention from her office mates which will add to her enjoyment.

8: While walking with your partner on a weekend getaway, pick up a smooth stone and say that you're going to keep it as a special memento of your trip. Later, have a message such as : "I Love Rebecca" engraved into the stone by a jeweler and give it to your partner.

9: Drive into the country, find a grassy hill and lie with your partner and look up at the clouds. Play the kid's game of looking for shapes in the cloud formations.

10: Leave a long stem rose where your partner will find it with a note on it saying:

"Thank you for coming into my life."

11: Invite your partner to go for a walk. Get a back pack and pack the following items: A picnic blanket, a selection of fruit in small containers eg. strawberries, grapes, watermelon and kiwi fruit. Some cheese and crackers. Some sandwiches. A small tin of caviar. A half bottle of champagne and two plastic champagne glasses. If your partner asks what's in the backpack, just say a jacket and some lunch.

When you find a romantic spot, ask if she would like to stop for a bite to eat. Open your pack and remove the items one by one to set up your picnic. The last item you remove should be the glasses and champagne.

12: Go for a walk on the beach. Trace out the shape of a large love heart in the sand. Sit inside the heart and cuddle your partner as you watch the sun go down.

13: Write a note saying "I thought of you today, and it made me smile." Leave the note somewhere where your partner is sure to find it.

14: When you and your partner are in a shopping center or airport, stop at one of those booths that allow you to take an instant photo and print them out as stickers. Choose a romantic background and kiss your partner while the photo is being taken.

15: If your partner has voice mail at work or on her mobile, leave a message saying "Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you."

16: Buy some rose petals and place them behind the sun visor on the passenger side of your car. Take a post it note and write, "I Love You" on it and stick it to the back of the sun visor.

17: When you and your partner are having an anniversary, buy two champagne glasses and get them engraved with your names and the date.

Go to the restaurant where you have made your reservations and request that when you and your partner arrive that your champagne be served in your special glasses. This will be a great surprise for your partner and a wonderful keepsake for you both.

18: Buy a tree with your partner and plant it in a special spot. Each year on your anniversary, have a glass of champagne next to your tree and talk about how your love and the tree have grown.

19: If you shower first in the morning. Steam up the bathroom and write a message such as "Pete Loves Kathy" on the mirror for your partner to read when she uses the bathroom. This also works on car windows when it's cold.

20: On a warm summers night, organize a backyard picnic. Spread a picnic blanket on the ground and get together some snacks, chocolates and champagne. Lie down on the blanket with your partner and gaze up at the stars together.

21: Next time it is raining really heavily, go for a walk with your partner. Forget the umbrellas and the raincoats. Run through the streets together, jump in puddles and get totally saturated.

Pick her up, twirl her around and kiss her while the rain falls. Taste the water off her face and hold her close.

When you get back home have a hot shower and then share a warm drink preferably in front of an open fire.

22: When your partner is sitting at a table or desk, come up behind him or her and give her a back, shoulder and head massage. Finish with a gentle kiss on the cheek.

23: Buy a kite and on a windy day find a park and fly the kite with your partner.

If you can afford it, buy a large kite that you control with two hand lines. These kites are great fun.

24: When your partner is sick at home, take a day off to look after her. Rent some videos, make her some soup, wrap her up in a blanket and just be with her.

25: Rent the video, "An Affair To Remember". Buy some popcorn, champagne and chocolate covered strawberries and have a special film night at home.

26: On a hot summers day, buy two large water pistols and take them to the beach with you. Pull them out and throw one to your partner and then have a huge water fight.

27: Share your food with your partner. When you go out for a meal, hold a forkful up to her mouth and say, "You've got to try this." Sharing your food and even feeding each other is a great way to become closer as a couple.

28: Compliment your partner in public. If you are talking in a group and it is appropriate to the conversation say something like, "Kate makes the most incredible roast." Squeeze her hand while you are talking about her.

29: Arrange a special day off from work. Start with breakfast, go for a walk in the park, go shopping, have afternoon tea in a cozy cafe and finish off with a romantic dinner.

30: If you have kids, organize for them to stay at their grandparents for the weekend. On Friday evening, announce that the weekend is yours and start planning how you are going to spend your special time together.

31: On Thursday, ask your partner to pack a bag for the weekend. Tell her she'll need casual clothes and walking shoes but don't tell her what you have got planned.

Pick her up after work on Friday and drive to a romantic bed and breakfast for a romantic weekend of relaxation.

32: Create a loving nickname for your partner. This could be the name she was called by her family when she was a little girl or something that is special just for the two of you.

33: Spend a leisurely afternoon with your partner in a large book shop such as Borders where you can browse the shelves, share a coffee and sit down to peruse your purchases.

34: Serve your partner breakfast in bed. Try the following: A poached egg in the shape of a heart - you can pick up a heart shaped poacher at most shops that sell kitchen wares. French toast with cinnamon and maple syrup. Cereal. Fruit juice. A fresh flower.

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