It can buy you a house but not a family Family
it can buy you a bed but not restful sleep
it can buy you a watch but not time
it can buy you a book but not the knowledge and wisdom
it can buy you a social position but not the respect
it can buy you medicine but not the health
it can buy you bodies but never Love
What is the purpose, they don't care.
- Hovagim Demirdjian
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Losing your hair and tired of using products and drugs that don't work?
Tampabay Hair Restoration Clinic is for you.
Who are Armenians?
A brief presentation of who we are.
Do you how to go about serving wine at your party?
Eva Longoria
a Golden Globe Award-nominated American film and television actress. She plays Gabrielle Solis in the ABC television series Desperate Housewives.
Have you ever looked at a Middle Eastern recipe cookbook and wonder what the heck is that ingredient ? Well here are few very common terms you need to know if you like cooking.
Deadliest killers when abused
Methadone, Percocet, OxyContin, Xanax, Morphine, Vicodin, Fentora, Darvon, Valium and Dilaudid, What do you know about them?
I've learned.... That to ignore the facts does not change the facts.
And now, I would like to thank you all
Mother rescuing her child - priceless!
The incredible journey of Falling in Love doesn't have to end just because you have dedicated yourselves to each other. In fact, you can still have a blast.
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