A Prayer For The Armenian Martyrs
0 Lord, mighty Judge and most merciful Father, Creator of all things and Ruler of all history, bless the souls and sanctify the blessed memory of the countless martyrs of Armenia who gave their lives that we might live to profess Thy saving Word and proclaim Thy saving Church.
Remember, Lord, all Thy faithful Armenian martyrs who, ever mindful of Thy redemptive grace, bravely bore Thy Holy Cross unto crucifixion and death; who, both at home or along the lonely way of exile, followed Thy painful path unto the end of their earthly days.
Strengthen us, O Lord, their children and their children's children, to emulate their unbounded faith. And grant us the grace to grow strong in Thy Church, ever One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. May the blood of their blessed martyrdom wash us clean of internal strife and unite us as one body forever bound to Thy Mystical Body now here on earth and ever in heaven.
May the Armenian nation, whether resurrected in one homeland or dispersed in exile along the face of the earth, ever remain faithful to Thy sacred trust. May this ancient nation consecrated to Thy care and comfort this day and every day recall with faith the magnitude of its martyrdom; and may it thus remain faithful to its ancient covenant with Thee by proclaiming Thy immeasurable glory.
As our martyred forefathers did of old, so too we today put all our trust in Thee and Thy Son Jesus Christ, Who with Thee liveth and reigneth in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen.