About The Demirdjian Family
What is the purpose, they don't care.
- Hovagim Demirdjian
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What do you know about the Antifreeze in your car?
The word Antifreeze in today's cars is so misleading. It is used as a rust inhibitor and lubricant more than as a temperature control agent.
It is a dangerous chemical, it can kill your pets and if you get burnt by hot antifreeze it can lead to chemical poisoning.
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Spot Light
Who are Armenians?
A brief presentation of who we are.
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Did You Know
If the last name ends in "ian", then it must be Armenian. What is the meaning of "ian".
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The Armenian Cuisine. Chi Kofta anyone?
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Soghomon Tehlirian
An Armenian student who became symbol of Armenian revenge. His whole family was butchered in the Genocide. The only survivor, he traced and assassinated, in 1921, Talaat-Pasha, author of the Genocide.
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The Battle of Sartarabad
At that critical hour, alarms start blasting from Araradian fields. "Everything and Everyone to the Battle front" - the announcement of the governing council of city of Yerevan, chaired by Aram Manoogian, starts spreading among the people as a challenge.
The Catholicos, ordered the bells of the mother church in Etchmiadzin as well as the bells of all Armenian churches around the country to ring all day, calling his people to come to the aid of their fighting soldiers and to participate in the defense of their fatherland.
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Bequest - a poem by Avedik Isahagian
In Armenian and translation in English. A father's legacy to his son, "march forward in life with no regrets, whatever happens, let it happen." - well worth reading it.
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Unruly Armenians
Armenians have put out the fire in Hell and are trying to install air conditioning system instead.
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A shepherd from neighboring village comes to buy some honey. A drop of honey falls on the floor, bee comes to eat it, cat jumps up and kills the bee, the shepherd's dog sees the cat, attacks and kills the cat, the shop owner gets mad and kills the shepherd's dog, the shepherd kills the shop owner, the villagers kill the shepherd, who was from next village, the villagers find out and there is war and killing until there is no one left but one person to tell the story.
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News links around the world - you make up your mind who is telling the truth and who is feeding you garbage.
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The presidents of United States Of America and the their unfulfilled promises to the Armenian people.
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From ancient times, this has served to preserve the authority of the Catholicosate of All Armenians, as an exceptional covenant with the Armenian faithful. The Holy Chrism is used during the Sacrament of Baptism and Chrismation, Ordination of Clergy, Consecration of Bishops, Final Rites of Clergyman, Blessing of the Water Service, and Consecration of new Churches.
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Special Occasions